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Milk and Honey : Rupy Kaur 

     Toronto-based photographer and writer Rupi Kaur uses Instagram to post her poetry about survival, womanhood, abuse, love, and loss. She published a book of poems, titledMilk And Honey.

     Milk and honey' is a collection of poetry and prose aboutsurvival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. It is split into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. 'Milk and Honey' takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look. The book was originally published in November 2014 and is a New York Times Best Seller.

     Kaur’s work engages with themes of love, loss, trauma, healing, and femininity, and is both deeply personal and universally relatable. Her work, visually suited for a sharing culture and one that communicates particularly well for platforms like Instagram, have turned her into a viral sensation, first within feminist communities, and then within the media ecosystem at large.

Her prose is what will keep her as an important poet for decades to come.Kaur’s creative direction and photography have broken international boundaries and have since been featured in galleries, magazines, and spaces around the world.

     The sensitive author  Comments few months back:   I have almost come to expect cities falling victim to shootings bombings and attacks. I wake up in the morning asking my phone "what city is hurting today". Breakfast is checking what's trending on twitter to find out what city to pray for.

And more often than not these past few weeks,  it's been one place after another. 

     Human life is human life whether it's in the east or west or north or south. Perhaps it's hard to imagine the suffering of others if it's not happening in our own backyards. If it is not our skies lit with flames and if it is not our sleep shaken awake by bombs instead of alarm clocks.  Death is death and pain is pain no matter where in the world it is felt. 

      Erin Spencer comments that Milk and Honey is the poetry  collection every woman needs on her nightstand or coffee table.  Accompanied by her own sketches, the beautifully honest  poems read like the everyday, collective experiences of today's  modern woman. (Erin Spencer, Huffington Post)

      Samira Sawlani comments on this book,  Rupi Kaur’s writing  echoes of artistry and wisdom which is seen in the work of  those that have been writing for years. 

      Rachel Grate says,  Rupi’s poetry is simple, relatable, gorgeous, and grounded in the everyday experiences of young women. 

     In the WildSpice Magazine,  Sienna Brown writes,  the honest words of Rupi Kaur leave you continuously wanting more as she writes with eloquence and poise. Her work will send you to past thoughts and realities you might not have known you had.