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Soul Purification – A Scientific Solution

      The founder and mentor of Shakthiveda Wellness Mission, Rishidev Sri Narendranji embarked upon finding solutions to the sufferings of mankind and also answers to many of unanswered questions or answers for the questions  he did not receive satisfactory answers from his elders or from available texts.  Whenever he got  some explanations for his queries he firmly believed this is not final, because everyone who expressed that his/her belief is ‘the ultimate truth’, so he felt there may be something else, something beyond which is unfathomable to our senses which have limitations.  His inner ‘self’ motivated him to go  ahead with his search for ‘truth’ beyond the visible  and the unseen world.   

As he set upon this arduous journey with utmost faith in himself, in his belief on the ‘energy’ that has created the Universe and nourishing the Universe, taking the difficulties he had to face and the results he started getting in equal poise, the Supreme Creator bestowed grace and opened up a Pandora’s box in front of him.  The path ahead was very much clear.  He rediscovered many truths; he has many breakthrough discoveries to his credit.  One such discovery is the ‘life after leaving the body’.

He has unraveled the mystery of creation, the purpose of creation of ‘soul’, its presence in the energy field of humans, its functions, anatomy, physiology, places where it can go after leaving the body etc., which are not in line with 

larger beliefs/understanding.

’Liberation’ of a soul, according to the research findings of Rishidev Sri Narendranji is, ‘summoning the discarnate soul, cleansing all the contaminations that are accumulated in the layers of soup in the form of Karma  doshas (Karmic imprints), navagraha doshas, kaala sarpa dosha, matha pithru shapm, Guru shapam, daiva shapam, ego etc. and send them to appropriate soul world’.

Supreme Creator Sarveshwara has authorized Rishidev Sri Narendranji to liberate discarnate souls who are continuing to suffer in ‘hell’, inside the Earth’s crust since.housands of years.  Rishidev Sri Narendranji is empowered to summon the discarnate souls and cleanse the layers of soul and the energy body of all contaminations and create eligibility for liberation.  He has done liberation procedure to millions of souls as per the instructions of Supreme Creator Sarveshwara.

He explains, it is not just chanting of mantras for liberation, it is the ‘spiritual empowerment’, the ‘sadhana shakthi’ of the performer of the ritual that summons the soul and enables cleansing of soul and thereby liberation of soul.

After putting to test his research findings in thousands of cases, the Divine Master founded Shakthiveda Wellness Mission.

I was blessed to witness  a liberation procedure of 30 generations at Shakthiveda Wellness Mission, Bengaluru.                                                                                   Smt. Sri Sudha K G