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What they say


 Jeremy John Irons - English actor has stated:


          Basically, I want to keep working, so I don't worry about the size of the character - if it's interesting, I'll do it. It's quite nice doing smaller roles, in some ways. It means I get home more, and I can get on with my life.


The movie industry is run by accountants in Hollywood and it's as simple as this; everyone has a number on their computer. They can look up Jeremy Irons and see what my last five movies have made. Say you want to make a $20m picture, which is relatively cheap. If Jeremy makes $9m, the director makes $5m, then you need a leading lady, and they just go through those figures - that's how casting happens. And none of my movies has made a lot of money.


As you get older, you look back and try to make sense of the sort of person you have become. And I think the most important thing that happened in my childhood was the first night I went to boarding school at the age of seven. I remember that night and the loneliness. Also, my parents' marriage broke up when I was 15. But I think it was that first night at seven years old when I felt something had broken, and I've spent my life trying to get back to that feeling of home.


It's the same sense of family that you find in the theater and movies. In fact, I'm hoping to make a film about that very subject - the need for home. You don't really have a home until you have children. And that home is created by the children.


 “Who does the world owe money to? Who are we in debt to?  We are all brainwashed into believing that we are here only to work, pay bills, and then die, which is clearly not how it is supposed to be. In the past, the world was a simple and happy place to be, and now look at where we are.”!.

I don't go to church much because I don't like belonging to a club, and I don't go to confession or anything like that, I don't believe in it. But I try to be aware of where I fail and I occasionally go to services. I would hate to be a person who didn't have a spiritual side because there's nothing to nourish you in life apart from retail therapy.


Jamie Richard - Spiritual thinker


       The path of the Spiritual Revolutionary is one of internalization to consciously look within ourselves and discover the conditions that shape our existence.


When we observe and comprehend our own states of being, our own ways of thinking, feeling and acting, when we no longer go along with or follow whatever negative response that emerges – we are in truth enacting a psychological rebellion.


This is a Spiritual War that is waged towards and against all of our inter afflictions and conditions of the mind.  This type of war has nothing to do with the radical fanaticism and or extremism exhibited by religious zealots…(Forcing people to believe in a specific tradition).


This Specific Spiritual War is a type of conscious work enacted for the Redemption of the Soul, for its Liberation and Unification with Divinity. True Psychological Rebellion exists when we confront and conquer the evil within ourselves,  and rise upwards towards a Superior Level of Being.


(The Real Infidels aka “Unbelievers” are not anyone outside of us, .but rather, they are all found  “within” us…they are the demons that we have created within our very own minds.)