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“Soul” does not die : Science and spirituality are coming together


   “Soul” does not die it returns to the universe - The possibility of life after death is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity. Experts are claiming that there is no death of consciousness – just death of the body.

Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software.   The body acquires life, sight and hearing, thought and speech, intelligence and emotions, will and desire, personality and identity when soul comes to the body.

In truth, not just the human being, but also every created entity possesses a "soul." Animals have souls, as do plants and even inanimate objects; every blade of grass has a soul, and every grain of sand.  Not only life, but also existence requires a soul to sustain it.  A soul is not just the engine of life; it also embodies the why of a thing's existence, its meaning and purpose. It is a thing's "inner identity,  Yanki Tauber interacts.

Physician Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles talks, “ I think we’re at different levels of consciousness based upon our experience and what we are born with. But I personally believe from my experience, for instance, that one of the reasons I’m a surgeon in this life is because I did a lot of destruction with a sword in a past life—killing people and animals. This is not conscious. At a deeper level I chose to use a knife in this life to cure and heal with,  rather than kiling. I often say to people, “Think about things that affect you emotionally, that you have no explanation for. This may be due to some past-life experience, and that is why you’re acting the way you’re acting. ”Now, whether I’m right or wrong, I have to say that, as long as it’s therapeutic that’s what I’m interested in. But on a personal level, I believe that consciousness is  nonlocal, and it can be carried on and picked up by people and so I believe in life after death. I think this shows in animals too. There’s a certain wisdom that they have”.

There is an example for soul after death –  Mr. Bob revealed his experience when he has drowned and was declared clinically dead for six minutes. “I felt amazing, a feeling of total joy. There was no pain. I was looking down and could see people around somebody on the sidewalk beside the pool. I did not know who anyone 

was". It was I looking down but what I saw was  not Bob. I did not even know Bob, but I was still me as I was before I drowned.  “I do not know how to explain this any other way. I believe that our bodies die but we do live on. Just before I came back into my body, there was a lot of pain, but somehow I knew that it was just the pain of life.”

In the words of Dean Radin, Psy.D. Parapsychologist and Consciousness Researcher, “I think life continues after death, but in some unknown form. I think a lot depends upon the nature of our consciousness during our lives— how attached to various levels of consensus reality it is. My late/former Zen teacher used the analogy of a lightbulb, with electric current passing through it. The lightbulb goes out, but the current continues, “changed” in a way, for its experience in the bulb. He also referred to like gravitating towards like in terms of the idea of the need for certain aspects of consciousness to develop further, before it can return to its source. That is, doglike aspects of our consciousness end up in a dog in a life after death, humanlike aspects get worked through in another human, plantlike aspects into plants, and so on.

According to scientists, quantum mechanics allows consciousness to live on following the body’s eventual demise.  But  scientists are still unsure about what exactly consciousness is.  The human brain could be similar to a “biological computer,” that human consciousness may be like a program which is run by a quantum computer within the brain. What’s even more astonishing is that after someone dies, “their soul comes back to the universe, and it does not die.”

According to American physicist Dr. Stuart Hameroff, from the University of Arizona, and mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose, both of whom argue that the soul is maintained in micro-tubules of brain cells. The two scientists refer to this process as “Orchestrated Objective Reduction,”or“Orch-OR.” Allegedly, when human beings are “clinically dead,” microtubules in the brain lose their quantum state but are still able to retain the information inside of them. Dr. Stuart Hameroff  believes that it is merely information stored at a quantum level. In other words–as experts explain it, after people die, their soul returns to the universe, and it does not die’.  

Dr. Hameroff elaborates: “Let’s say the heart stops beating,the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state, the quantum information within the micro--tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, universe at large.  If a patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the micro-tubules and the patient says ‘I had a near-death experience.’ If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul".

Dr.Hameroff  suggested that human souls are much more than mere “interactions” of neurons in the brain. In fact, this theory indicates that these “souls” could have existed since the very beginning of time itself.  And with all of the recent discoveries pertaining to dark energy and dark matter—substances which humans cannot see or interact with, but substances which we know exist, nevertheless—this theory could end up explaining things that are even more mysterious and fascinating.

British physicist Sir Roger Penrose agrees and believes he and his team have found evidence that protein-based microtubules – a structural component of human cells – carry quantum information – information stored at a sub-atomic level.  Sir Roger states that  if a person temporarily dies, this quantum information is released from the microtubules and into the universe. 

However, if they are resuscitated, the quantum information is channeled back into the microtubules and that is what sparks a near death experience. Sir Roger added: “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”

Scientists think they can say where individuality begins and ends, and we generally reject the multiple universes. But it turns out there is more than a morsel of truth in this popular genre.

One mainstream explanation states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe. There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death doesn’t exist in any real sense in these scenarios. All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them.  A soul is formed in the womb of supernal spiritual realms, where it  

acquires its distinct identity and mission. To fulfill this mission, it is dispatched to the physical realm, enclothed within an Animal Soul and equipped with a body. Here the G-dly Soul is challenged by the (apparently) conflicting needs and desires of the Animal Soul; here divine reality is obscured by the dense selfhood of the body and physical world. In this arena of hidden truth and perpetual challenge, the soul can fully express and actualize its divine power.

Scientists think they can say where individuality begins and ends, and we generally reject the multiple universes. But it turns out there is more than a morsel of truth in this popular genre. One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that observations can’t be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. 

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake said,   people assume that all our consciousness is in our heads, and I don’t agree with that assumption. I think our minds extend beyond our brains in every act of vision.

Science and spirituality always tend to contradict one another. It seems like you have to pick one side and pretend like the other side is a bunch of malarky.

Buddhists and other spiritual practitioners say that we are all connected to everything and quantum physics is verifying it. This helps bringing people together, from across all walks of life and helps them to tap into their spirituality.
Although, this line is beginning to blur and it seems to be opening up a whole new world for both sides, over the years, connection between the two sides has been noted among both scientists and religious figures.  This includes the Dalai Lama who has spoken several times on the subject.

Religious people follows their conventions who deny scientific facts. Many Scientists, identify as Atheists, think  that religious people are following fictional stories.  Still there is  a line inbetween science and spirituality.

Science and spirituality are now coming together through the study of consciousness and quantum physics, ending the previous sides of opposition and further expanding our viewpoints in the process. 

                              Courtesy  David Jay Brown, M.A