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    Urinary infection is a very common disease of men and women though it is more common among women because of special physical features. There are many causes for the disease including unhygienic surroundings and not drinking enough water keeping urine for a long time will also cause it. The diseases should be treated as early as possible because it can lead kidney problems.
   Home remedies can cure the disease

Ginger- a good remedy. It can be taken with food or put it in the tea.
Garlic- Take it in any form.
Curd-Its healthy bacteria will help to cure the infection.
Apple Cyder Vinegar-Take two table spoons honey and one table spoon apple cyder vinegar mix them and drink it.
Herbal tea- Take it every day.
Vitamin C- Its acidity will prevent the growth of the germs. Take food enriched with vitamin-C
Baking Soda- Take one spoon baking soda and mix with water and drink it. It will keep the level of bicarbonate necessary for kidney’s functioning.
Cranberry and juice- They are good because they raise the acidity in the body and that will prevent infection.
Turmeric- As it works against the bacteria it helps to prevent the infection.Extra virgin 

olive-oil- It helps to keep the balancing level of the body and prevent the growth of the bacteria.
Juniper berry- This fruit is helpful in stopping the infection.
   Herbs like bardok root, alfafaa, rose lip, akinesia, and marshmallow are also good.

KALLURVANCHI (Pashanbheda) - To Dissolve Kidney Stone. 

    Aquatic Rotula is a small branched shrub that grows characteristically among rocks and trailing over gravel in steam beds. It is pan tropic in distribution. The roots and leaves of plant of kalluvanchi is an important traditional medicine for increase Kidney function and bladder stones.

    The literal meaning of word Pashanbheda is, one that breaks stones, Pashan is stone and bheda means to break (in Sanskrit) dissolving or destroying stone in the bladder or kidneys activities. This medicinal plant is useful in treatment of many ailments but particularly for urinary calculi. Pashanbheda herb is found in Himalaya.Different Ayurvedic treatise mentioned this plant and recommended its uses for treatment of urinary stones. Charak Samhita (210BC-170AD) mentioned this plant under the name Pashanbhed and recommended it for painful micturition,for curing abdominal tumour and for breaking up calculi. Sushruta Samhita(170AD-340BC)and Ashtang Hridaya(341AD-434AD)also mentions it for uric acid calculi.