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About Alzheimer’s disease

     Your brain is your most powerful organ, yet weighs only about three pounds.   It has a texture similar to firm jelly.  Brain is nourished by one of your body's richest networks of blood vessels. When you are thinking hard, your brain may use up to 50 percent of the fuel and oxygen.

The real work of brain goes on in individual cells. The neurotransmitters travel across the synapse, carrying signals to other cells. Scientists have identified dozens of neurotransmitters. Alzheimer's disease disrupts both the way electrical charges travel within cells and the activity of neurotransmitters.

Alzheimer’s disease is defined as a progressive disease that is irreversible which kills memory and other important brain functions. Eventually people loose their thinking skills and they are not able to carry out even the simple tasks.  They even forget important people in their life and their personality changes.  Generally Alzheimer’s disease happens to an individual in mid sixties

While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are drug and non-drug options that may help treat symptoms. 

In Alzheimer’s disease,  brain cells  start to deteriorate.   The body

body attempts to stop this process by producing a protein called amyloid. However, amyloid deposits build up in the brain, leading to further deterioration. These deposits of amyloid are referred to as "plaques" and cause the brain cells to shrivel up and form "tangles", which in turn lead to changes in the brain structure and cause the brain cells to die. The formation of plaques and tangles also prevents the production of some important brain chemicals 

Research studies have indicated that the following factors may play an important role in the development of the condition: 

Genetic factors  such as the presence of, or changes to, certain genes.

Environmental factors, such as long-term exposure to some environmental solvents (eg: pesticides, glues and paints) or infection with certain viruses or bacteria

Lifestyle factors,  such as a lack of exercise, poor-quality sleep and a diet lacking fruit and vegetables.

Researchers now believe that a combination of these lifestyle, environmental and genetic risk factors trigger an abnormal biological process in the brain.  Increasing age,  Down

syndrome, History of a head injury,  Risk factors for blood vessel disease such as smoking, Family history of Alzheimer's disease, Obesity, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Insulin resistance.

Yoga for Alzheimer - Bhujangasana: - With the progression of Alzheimer or Dementia, the patient starts becoming depressed and starts attaining a forward and round shoulder posture. This Asana helps in the extension of back and body as a whole.

Utkatasana -  It helps in stretching of upper limb and strengthening of lower body which is required to treat weakness during the withdrawal of routine work.

Pranayama for Alzheimer -Bhramari pranayama: - As the disease progresses, the patient suffers from short-term memory loss and becomes more confused, agitated and angry. Consequently, blood pressure can rise.

This Pranayama helps to calm and to relieve anxiety by regulating blood pressure. 

Anulom Vilom: -  Rapid shallow breathing patterns are good for people living in stress where the depleted oxygen levels aggravate the mind. Hence, good oxygen levels are brought to the lungs and

brain for the proper functioning of the body through the practice of Anulom Vilom.

Stretching exercises: - Exercises such as calf stretches, hamstring stretches, quadriceps stretches, spinal stretches, pectorals stretches etc.prevent the muscles tightness which is very common due to the withdrawal of physical activities in daily life.

Stretching exercises: -  The muscles remain toned as long as we use them, & if we don't, that leads to atrophy of the muscles and thereby functional deficits. Hence, strengthening exercise can be helpful.

In Ayurveda  doctors first focus on balancing the Vata Dosha for Alzheimer disease treatment. This imbalance generally occurs due to the old age. Further, Alzheimer's natural treatment also includes the use of Medhya Rasayana for rejuvenation & to nourish the brain at a desired level.

Herbs for Alzheimer -Mandukparni (Centella asiatica): - This herb is rich in antioxidants which help in decreasing unhealthy depositions in the brain. Thus, it is useful in the treatment of AlzheimerPouring of Brahmi oil in nostril is very effective in the natural treatment of Alzheimer.

Seeds of sesame and sunflower are rich in essential fatty acids that are necessary for brain function. The almond contains vitamin E, thus

it can help during natural treatment of Alzheimer. Eat anti-oxidant rich foods along with B-complex vitamins,  avoid saturated and high cholesterol foods,  Eat plant-based foods & cut out too much salt in your foods.

According to Dr. Shreepad Khedekar, B.H.M.S., M.D (Hom), homeopathic medicine could offer treatment for Alzheimer’s disease that allopathic medicine simply cannot.

The internationally-acclaimed physician has worked with many Alzheimer’s patients over the years, using homeopathic remedies to aid in the treatment of the disease’s behavioral and memory-based symptoms. He has found this method to be far superior to allopathy.

“Allopathic only has marginal benefits with many side effects,” he says. “If diagnosed early, homeopathic remedies can help in significantly arresting or even possibly reversing the disease.”

Chocolate may improve cognitive function within hours, says review Cocoa flavanols – food at high levels in dark chocolate – may improve cognitive function in hours, and they may even protect the aging brain, says review.

'Even older adults should switch to a Mediterranean diet.  Maybe the Mediterranean diet, heavy on fruit, salads, fish and olive oil, is good for Alzheimers patients.

Compiled by Ujjual Mount Abu