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Feminist movement : Wolf in sheep clothing

            A  renowned female professorAvital Ronell who is one of the major figure in feminist movement was found responsible for sexually harassing a male former student, Nimrod Reitman. It is proved by an 11-month Title IX investigation that Avital Ronell is responsible for both physical and verbalsexual harassment of Nimrod Reitman. The accusation was emerged during the feminist #metoo movement. It was a major setback for the blind and extreme feminist 

associations. It was a major misbelief that the suffered gender group was always the female. It is a fact that all genders face this problem, it was evident even in the #me too movement. The movement feminism, in a broad sense, always stand for the humanity and, in an extreme sense, stand for specific gender or social group. The specificity alwaysdepends in its leaders. The crime of Avital Ronell can be interpreted by a traditional simile “wolf in sheep clothing”.

It was shameful that other major feminist leaders like Judith Butlersupported Ronell rejecting the major accusation. This very act lead to two major controversies, first is manipulation of language or the language politics. If the terminology sexual harassment is supporting only specific gender it become the genderization of a verb. The second fact is that the feminism act for the equality of human, if it so, the rejecting of a proved accusation contradicts 

the basic ideology- equality.   

The pseudo leadership and their own moral teachingalways ends up with an internal crisis. The activism of feminism had a vastness in its basic meaning, it was not supporting the gradation or classification of gender rather the core of humanity. The crime of Ronellindicates a political drama, which is similar to other scenarios in the world. Even though the leadership of religion, leadership of intellectual groups, leadership of political parties act well, it often commits mistake in current situation. It is necessary to have distinctive understanding of fact by common people remains as a remedy for the prevailing social problems..    Akhil John