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A Peruvian Heart BeatAnibal Idrogo

                   The country has fallen into the deepest crisis of what social classes mean. The ruling class hates the people and culminate them to live in the worst misery, but also uses the means necessary to poison the minds of the poor and turn them into their faithful servants, this is a colonial mentality - in modernity is neocolonial alienation.

Let's look at this election, as it has given rise to discrimination to perversity, insults, abuse, by the owners of the power of the high social spheres. No gentlemen here is serious, still, the attack is between us.  We want and seek to defend the insignias. they dismembered the homeland, delivered our land to foreign investors with concessions, and lute us.

We lack to understand that they were the past governments and all the kind of old political padre that shut down our country, that we lack to get in the head that was the ones who left us without rights and made a constitution to their measure and they implanted the cheap cholo policy.

With pain and rage we can watch as the country divides, spreads, lacera, deep undermine feel there is in the people who call justice and who want and dare to be government with a view not to deliveries, with a view to caudillismo , with a view not to sectarianism.

What are we afraid of, let's think to whom we favor with this to give absolute power to these tyrants who for 200 years come lacerating and absurdly mistreating the destinations of the homeland, expensive pay what we do not understand, lack that understanding healthy and visioned, we are petty not to let the river reach the sea.

Forget those who read so much and those who have titles left and sinister making believe that they are the only ones who know and understand and therefore are the only ones that can handle the state, forget the human part and substantial knowledge of those who in a way simple and with a lot of effort they can do large works and rout the new horizons of Country, use ingenuity and generate conditions to do things right and not let it fall into the hands of dementias, we bet on a Peru Andean, for a Peru of all blood.

For once forget that there are poor and rich, put ferrous faith, shoulder, shirt, sweat the fat drop and lift the country once and for all, forget our haters and grudges that leads to nothing, do not discriminate ourselves learn to separate the straw from wheat, bet on humility, simplicity, maturity, be sensible, make a coalition where goodwill hands with reality.

It is time to be those who truly are, brothers in the same sky, because we see the same universe, breathe the same air, do not fall into the law of the jungle or the law of the strongest, seek sovereignty in our minds, find that sun that does not go out, shorten the distances that separate us, learn from each other, without revanchism,  without selfishness, do an act of self-criticism and seek space in our minds that makes us simpler beings among the most complex.

Let's look at ourselves as beings with souls, who feel, who scream, who love, who want, who dream, finally all together seek that longing to live in peace and social justice, without creeds, or color, or race, that country of all blood.